Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior

The Aggressive Dog

Allentown Dog To Dog Aggression Training | K9 Training Service

Does your dog do this? We can fix this problem without using a shock collar.

Working Canine Team

Here is our working canine team. Each of our working dogs has been trained for individual jobs.

As a dog owner, you may have seen your canine companion exhibit aggressive behaviors, such as:

  • Going nuts when they see other dogs.
  • Running to the end of their leash and barking and lunging toward other dogs that are out on a walk.
  • Standing at the window charging and barking at other dogs and humans walking by.

This is called dog-to-dog aggression, which for Allentown area owners, is something we can easily turn around with our dog training services. We teach your dog to be more manageable in a few hours. In addition, we have follow-up sessions where we train your dog to be friendlier toward other dogs. Contact us for help with dog-to-dog aggression training in the Allentown area. 

Group of Dogs Behaving

Is your dog well adjusted enough to do this?

Dog-to-Human Aggression

Marx’s Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior also specializes in addressing dog-to-human aggression with our Allentown area K9 training service. We understand that some dogs are very territorial, and they manifest this by biting people. The sooner we begin training your dog, the easier it will be to fix their aggressive behavior. Rest assured that we never use shock collars during our training sessions. We take pride in how our work has saved countless dogs from being put down or becoming even more aggressive later in their lives.

Our Ambassador Dogs

Helping us facilitate our Allentown area K9 training services are our gifted ambassador dogs. They have undergone appropriate behavior training to behave calmly and kindly toward other dogs and humans while ensuring their safety. In our weekly workshops, many of our ambassador dogs work quietly, helping our clients’ canine companions become more well-adjusted toward other dogs. Our trained ambassador dogs give a calming look and exhibit soft body language, sending a comforting message to anxious dogs. We often place such anxiety-ridden dogs between two ambassador dogs.

Nora, Linny, Ruby, and Saxony are our current lineup of ambassador dogs that have been trained alongside their predecessors. They were taught to use their sensory system to track heart rates and blood pressure so they can sense aggression as it emerges. For many of our clients’ dogs exhibiting fearful or aggressive behavior toward other canines, our dogs have become the first dogs they have ever befriended, showing our Allentown area dog to dog aggression training to be worthwhile.


Nora is a five-year-old German Shepherd that can effectively sense aggression and gauge its level of intensity. She works with Linny and Ruby to help your pet become more comfortable interacting with other canines. Our training dogs can even become your dog’s first new friends.

Once your dog becomes more receptive to our dogs, they will calm down and encourage your dog to walk next to them on a perfect heel. Soon, your dog will mimic our dogs’ behavior. At this point in the behavior modification process, we will begin to simulate the class with three dogs.

Whether your dog has severe or mild aggression, our training dogs can turn your dog into the perfect pet you can take everywhere.  With our Allentown dog-to-dog aggression training, your canine companion can explore the world around them without needing to lunge, growl, bark, or bite other dogs.

Gwenevere Marx

This is Nora. She is specifically trained to help with dog-to-dog aggression.


This is Ruby learning from her grandmother and mother how to teach our clients to be well adjusted.

Titles Held by Nora

  • Advanced Obedience 1, 2, & 3
  • Agility 1, 2, & 3
  • Therapy Dog
  • Licensed Service Dog
  • Water Search & Rescue
Allentown Dog To Dog Aggression Training | K9 Training Service

Proud owner Mike with his ambassador dog Squash.


One of our most notable success stories for fixing aggressive behavior is our workshop ambassador dog Squash. She is a Rotty-Pit Bull mix that came to Marx’s Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior with severe bully aggression toward other dogs. When she came to us, our ambassador team taught her to be calm around other dogs. About 2 hours into the training, our ambassador dogs began treating her differently. We believe they sensed a unique quality in her that only dogs can understand.

As Squash went through our intense behavior training and rehabilitation classes, her human family trusted our knowledge and followed our lead. Their commitment paid off as Squash is now a well-loved ambassador dog that comes to our classes often to share her one-of-a-kind gift with others.

Ambassador dogs play an important role in our dogs’ society. Call us at 484-515-9691 if you believe your canine companion is a natural ambassador dog. Our team of training dogs always has room for another member.