The Dog-To-Dog-Aggressive-Dog

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Does your dog do this? We can fix this problem without using a shock collar.
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Here is our working canine team. Each of our working dogs has been trained for individual jobs.
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Is your dog well adjusted enough to do this?

As a dog owner, you may have seen your canine companion exhibit aggressive behaviors, such as:

  • Going nuts when they see other dogs.
  • Running to the end of their leash and barking and lunging toward other dogs that are out on a walk.
  • Standing at the window charging and barking at other dogs and humans walking by.

This is called dog-to-dog aggression, which for Lehigh Valley area owners is something we can easily turn around with our dog training services. We teach your dog to be more manageable in a few hours. In addition, we have follow-up sessions where we train your dog to be friendlier toward other dogs. Contact us for help with dog-to-dog aggression training in the Lehigh Valley area.


Ruby is a five-year-old German Shepherd that can effectively sense aggression and gauge its level of intensity. She works with Linny and Poppiez to help your pet become more comfortable interacting with other canines. Our training dogs can even become your dog’s first new friends.

Once your dog becomes more receptive to our dogs, they will calm down and encourage your dog to walk next to them on a perfect heel. Soon, your dog will mimic our dogs’ behavior. At this point in the behavior modification process, we will begin to simulate the class with three dogs.

Whether your dog has severe or mild aggression, our training dogs can turn your dog into the perfect pet you can take everywhere. With our Lehigh Valley dog-to-dog aggression training, your canine companion can explore the world around them without needing to lunge, growl, bark, or bite other dogs.

Titles held by Ruby

  • Advanced Obedience 1, 2, & 3
  • Agility 1, 2, & 3
  • Therapy Dog
  • Licensed Service Dog
  • Water Search & Rescue
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This is Nora. She is specifically trained to help with dog-to-dog aggression.
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This is Ruby learning from her grandmother and mother how to teach our clients to be well adjusted.

Dog-to-Human Aggression

Marx’s Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior also specializes in addressing dog-to-human aggression with our Lehigh Valley area K9 training service. We understand that some dogs are very territorial, and they manifest this by biting people. The sooner we begin training your dog, the easier it will be to fix their aggressive behavior. Rest assured that we never use shock collars during our training sessions. We take pride in how our work has saved countless dogs from being put down or becoming even more aggressive later in their lives.

Our Ambassador Dogs

Helping us facilitate our Lehigh Valley area K9 training services are our gifted ambassador dogs. They have undergone appropriate behavior training to behave calmly and kindly toward other dogs and humans while ensuring their safety. In our weekly workshops, many of our ambassador dogs work quietly, helping our clients’ canine companions become more well-adjusted toward other dogs. Our trained ambassador dogs give a calming look and exhibit soft body language, sending a comforting message to anxious dogs. We often place such anxiety-ridden dogs between two ambassador dogs.

Ruby, Linny, and Poppiez are our current lineup of ambassador dogs that have been trained alongside their predecessors. They were taught to use their sensory system to track heart rates and blood pressure so they can sense aggression as it emerges. For many of our clients’ dogs exhibiting fearful or aggressive behavior toward other canines, our dogs have become the first dogs they have ever befriended, showing our Lehigh Valley area dog to dog aggression training to be worthwhile.

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Proud owner Mike with his ambassador dog Squash.


One of our most notable success stories for fixing aggressive behavior is our workshop ambassador dog Squash. She is a Rotty-Pit Bull mix that came to Marx’s Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior with severe bully aggression toward other dogs. When she came to us, our ambassador team taught her to be calm around other dogs. About 2 hours into the training, our ambassador dogs began treating her differently. We believe they sensed a unique quality in her that only dogs can understand.

As Squash went through our intense behavior training and rehabilitation classes, her human family trusted our knowledge and followed our lead. Their commitment paid off as Squash is now a well-loved ambassador dog that comes to our classes often to share her one-of-a-kind gift with others.

Ambassador dogs play an important role in our dogs’ society. Call us at 484-515-9691 if you believe your canine companion is a natural ambassador dog. Our team of training dogs always has room for another member.

Understanding Animal Behavior & Its Relation to Dog Training

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This is Ruby, she is learning how to help our clients dogs in many ways. She specializes in teaching the fearful puppy how to be well adjusted.

Marx’s Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior has been specializing in dog behavior for over 37 years. Our Lehigh Valley dog behaviorist team knows that understanding the specific behaviors of dogs is important to explaining the why, how, and when of their specific needs. By analyzing the reasons for dogs’ negative behavior, we redirect their behavior through appropriate training and proper treatment. Each dog is unique, so there is always a reason why they exhibit certain positive or negative behaviors.

Helping You Become a Skilled Dog Owner

Turning a dog into a well-behaved family member is all about teaching the humans. Rest assured that we take great care in choosing the proper program for each dog from reactive training to aggression training for the Lehigh Valley area. In addition, we come to you as Animal Behaviorists able to teach your dog and guide your family on how to be skilled dog owners.

We teach you to understand your dog’s body language, learning to know what they are saying. A wagging tail can mean many things, but we will teach you the differences. Our Lehigh Valley dog behaviorists also guide you on understanding the look in your dog’s eyes to help you understand what they are thinking. Learning such things will help you as a dog owner as you train your pet to be a happy family member.

Expertly Addressing Negative Dog Behaviors

It is common among dog owners to mistake nervous behavior for aggression and bully aggression for fear aggression. In these situations, our Lehigh Valley dog behaviorists assess your dog’s body language to identify the cause of these behaviors before determining the direction to take for their training.

For dogs that are difficult to housebreak, we examine the why and where of their potty accidents to develop the right housebreaking program. Habitual leash-pulling is another negative behavior we typically encounter. There is a clear reason for this, which we try to understand before creating the most suitable training program to resolve this issue. Every dog we work with learns positive leash manners in the very first session.

Having us come to your home means having an expert Lehigh Valley dog behaviorist and trainer teach you and your dog. Please note that we never blame the dog owner or the dog. We simply teach you to become an effective pack leader by analyzing why your dog exhibits certain behaviors. In addition, we train your dog to respond without the need for treats, clickers, or shocking devices.

Comparing Dog Training & Dog Behavior

A Dog Trainer teaches dogs to do things. An Animal Behaviorist teaches dogs to stop doing specific things. We combine these two skills to give your dog a well-rounded teaching experience as they become an excellent family member.

Client Testimonials

The Gruzdis Family, Allentown, PA
“I just wanted to thank Gwenevere and Kristi for the great session we had with them and our dog Bella. I truly thought she was untrainable, but thanks to both they proved me wrong. Bella is now a puppy I enjoy playing with without getting nipped at. In one 3 hour session she has Improved so much. Her jumping has calmed down and taking her for a walk now will be a pleasant walk. She acts like a totally different dog, still full of energy, but it’s controllable energy. We came to the first follow-up training today and plan to attend more. I can’t thank you enough!”
Kim, Dan, & Rio
“I just want to say WOW!!!! I have a 92 pound Rotti who I dreaded to walk and one 3hr session made our lifes so much more pleasant. I have taken her for 4 walks since Sunday and today is only Monday and what a huge improvement. We walked Nazareth High School and there was a softball game going on and she was a perfect angel no pulling no jumping. We live about 50 feet from a park and with the beautiul weather there are tons of kids out and I always try to avoid it, well not today she was so good such a different dog. I give Marx’s training a 10 star!!! Thank you so much for everything.”
Erik, Crystal, Skyla, Cameron, & Kapone
“I would like to thank Gwenevere and Kristi for helping us with Kapone our 6 month old American Bully...Kapone needed some fine tuning on his basic commands and also learning to treat our house guests properly whether they were human or animals...They made the whole family a part of the training process which was exciting for all of us. Thanks.”
Ann & Andy, Allentown, PA
“My family cannot express enough thanks to your facility~ we had the best experience. your company was easily reachable, extremely reliable and understanding. my husband and I did not know how things were going to go today, however we are both very well pleased and are looking forward to our future in follow up classes! thank you again and again for taking your time as well as your assistant to help make our family a family again!!!! i can honestly say i will be passing your cards out to everyone!”
Caroline & Heidi, Stroudsburg, PA
“Thank you Gwenevere for helping us with our Heidi. You really do care about dogs and it shows. We could hardly believe that Heidi would be having fun playing with another dog. To watch your Saxony and Heidi playing was so touching. Going to the Pet Shop with Heidi for the first time after your training was just great. We will be continuing our home training and are looking forward to your Sunday afternoon classes. Once again, we cannot thank you enough.”
Stephanie M., Northampton, PA
“Thank you so much for taking the time and coming to train Jordan. We have noticed quite a difference with her after just one session. We can’t wait for the classes to begin - Please hurry Spring!! Thanks again Gwenevere. We are thankful for your loyalty and expertise with animals, it is very difficult to find someone like you.”
Buddy & Sue, Nazareth, PA
“Hi Gwenevere. I have to give you a progress report on Buddy. We had our 1st vet appt since you worked with us last year. Previous appts consisted of Buddy barking frantically every time someone (staff or client) entered or left the waiting room. There was absolutely no stopping him. He also was difficult to manage physically - always turned into something of a wrestling match. I sat in the parking lot with him for a few minutes tonight & reminded him to be quiet, then went into the waiting room. There wasn’t a single bark during the 75 minutes we were there. He did some whining, but mostly sat at my feet & occasionally laid down. I just rubbed his ears, petted, & praised him. He was SO good for the entire visit. When we got home, I actually had enough energy to go shopping, instead of collapsing into bed. I am so proud of the progress we’ve made. Thank you for your help in bringing out the best in him.”
Pam, Northampton, PA
“I just wanted to write and thank Gwenevere and Wendy again for their help with my 2 Boxers - Rambo and Jewels. I’m still amazed that in just 4 short hours they taught me how to control my dogs. To stop jumping on company, leave the vacuum cleaner alone, and walk on a leash two at a time with 1 hand. I will gladly spread the word about this excellent training experience. Thanks again.”
Linda, Joe, Tyler, Jess, & Cricket
“Hi Gwenevere, I am e mailing you an update on Cricket the German Shep. mix from Reading. We have not been able to attend the classes as we planned but we will most likely be there this week. We had not been able to pet our puppy at all before you came to the rescue! We had been told by our Vet. that our dog needed your help. He bit the Vet assistant in the face when she put him on the scale. My 5 year old would not go near Cricket at all. Even you put gloves on to give him his temperament test {We thought for sure he was failing miserably} After about 10 minutes you looked up at my family and smiled, your words were so kind, you simply said that we have a very normal dog that will be just fine with some behavioral training. Within minutes you had Cricket sitting still while you stroked him from nose to tail. We were amazed! One by one you worked with my family members. My 5 year old got to pet Cricket for the very first time. Now they are inseparable. Cricket no longer steals food from my children. The 10 day housebreaking worked in 4 days not 10. Your leash training worked like a charm and the jumping to bite us is well in the past. Thank you so much Gwenevere. We thought we were in over our heads with this puppy. I hope to see you this weekend.”
Karen, Kip, & Kilo, Wyndmoor, PA
“It was only last night that we concluded our four-hour behavioral modification session with Gwen, her assistant Marian, and Miss Peppers and Saxony. Like others before us, we can only exclaim “it’s a miracle!” Kilo is a 4-year old, neutered male German Shepherd whom we’ve had since he was a pup. But we had a lousy experience with our well-meaning puppy class instructor, one that set us spiraling downward with Kilo remaining anxious about other dogs and our world contracting to become smaller and smaller as we tried to avoid contact with other dog walkers. Not a way for dog or human to live. “Gwen observed that Kilo was “entertaining” himself by his outbursts. What fun to make “Mom’s adrenaline churn. What fun to hide behind tree trunks. What fun, what fun, what fun. Bored out of his mind, he made his own game. “Within two hours he was walking side by side with Miss Peppers and Saxony. By the end of four hours, we’d actually gone INSIDE a pet store with our boy. We learned skills to aid us in guiding this guy toward desired behavior. We’ll follow up with the group socialization classes the Marx’s make available to her clients. I am already looking forward to walking beyond our neighborhood with Kilo, his new backpack, and a new confidence I longed to possess but didn’t think was possible. We were all so tired at the end of our session that I didn’t adequately thank you, Gwen, Marian, Miss Peppers and Saxony! See you this weekend!”
Shelly, Mark, & Baily
“Thank you Gwenevere and Niki. My dog was just out of control. Pooping in the house, chewing on everything and pulling on the leash so hard we stopped walking him. Baily our Golden Ret. jumped up and almost broke my moms nose before you came. Baily is great now. Like you taught us, be the pack leader and our dog will respond. You taught our whole family. We can now take our dog any place. People say all the time Wow what a well behaved dog you have! We hand your card out like candy. You should be on TV. Thanks again and we will see you at your group class.”
Nancy P.
“I would recommend Gwenevere Marx to anyone who has a dog. She is unbelievable! I still can’t believe that she fixed our dog in about 3 hours! I’m a believer.”
John R., Orefield, PA
“Fantastic!—That’s what I have to say about Gwenevere Marx. We could not walk with our dog Ringo, who is a 100lb Rottweiler. Ringo was also not friendly to other dogs in our development. After several hours of working with Gwenevere and Miss Peppers, we were able to walk Ringo in our neighborhood for the first time without him going ballistic around the other dogs. This was the best money I ever spent. Thanks Gwenevere and Miss Peppers.”
Lisa, Don, & Little Libby
“We drove 4 hours. We live in Delaware. A true life saver for our family. We could not take our dog anyplace. When Libby our lab/collie rescue mix came to us she was already very nasty towards other dogs. We were at a loss. We tried Petco, she got even worse. I found Marx’s on line and called. We showed up on a Sat. and worked with Miss Peppers for three hours, the next day we had her in a group workshop and could not believe our eyes. Libby was calm and seemed to love being a part of the 20 dog group. She is now manageable and understands how to act around other dogs. We now take her to parks and pet stores. Thanks to Gwenevere and Miss Peppers we are looking forward to a long life with our dog. Totally worth to trip to PA.”
Lehigh Valley Dog Training & Behavior Client
“I wanted to tell you that since we’ve been working with Samson and your training program, walking him with the kids has been smooth and easy. Even when we wait at the bus-stop, he is a well mannered boy, and people in the development are noticing, and commenting with positive remarks. Since previously Samson had gotten some sideways looks from people, it’s esp. gratifying when their dogs are desperately pulling on their leashes and not listening, and my well behaved Rottie is in a sit/stay, with nothing more than his ears perked up. We have even received an invitation for a puppy play date with a Labradoodle. Kinda funny. Thanks Gwenevere.”
Terri, Lu Lu, & Izzy
“My dogs were crazy when they would see another dog. They would act like they would bite people when they came to our home. They would fight with each other over any little thing. Now when I say leave it, quiet and heel they listen to me. I come home and they settle down right away. My family and I thank you for all that you did for us. We don’t have a lot of extra money right now but you were affordable and fast. Thanks again we look forward to coming to the classes.”
Daniel G., Coopersburg, PA
“Miss Pepper’s is a wonderful dog and Gwenevere’s techniques helped us tackle our dog to dog aggression with our Black German Shepherd, Ember. We use to have such a hard time on our walks, Ember would react to every dog leashed or in an electric fence. Miss Peppers came to the rescue, she let Ember know that she is not as “cool” as she thinks she is. Miss Peppers, barks (communicates) something that only dogs can understand, and it works! Add in the walks w/ Miss Peppers and soon you see your dog is behaving positively. Now our walks are pleasurable. We can walk by all dogs, with no reaction. I think our neighbors are happy too, not so fearful anymore. Thank you Ms. Peppers and Gwenevere ~ Keep up the good work.”
Kris & Willie, Pittsburgh, PA
“Willie (a dobie-beagle mix) was fine as a puppy, he played with his housemates just occasionally guarding his bone. When Willie turned 15 months old our world changed. Now he was attacking them. For whatever reason he would lunge and try to bite our other Dobie mix. We had various trainers come to the house every week but the attacks worsened, he now attacked all the other dogs and cats. It became necessary to have him in a muzzle to prevent injury to the other animals and humans. Now confined to a single room, Willie started not wanting to come out of his room. When we tried socializing him with other dogs at local pet stores and our local parks we were asked to leave. Walks at local parks would mean strategic planning, all escape routes plotted and hiding behind trees until the other dogs would walk by. Finally the hard decision was made. Willie would either have to be put down or someone would have to help him. Medicine and every herbal remedy was useless. It was just time before he would kill. Desperately looking for help online I ran across Gwenevere’s website. It sounded too good to be true. Ms Peppers sounded like it might work. Willie under the control of Gwenevere and her assistant Nicki introduced him to Ms Peppers. Willie was a level 8 out of 10 for dog to dog aggression. Willie stopped barking and challenging, he turned his head. He started walking with Ms Peppers looking up in the trainers eyes. Previously he wouldn’t look me in the eye unless I had food in front of my face. He sniffed Miss Peppers behind and started walking between Ms Peppers and Saxony (Gwenevere’s other dog). You could actually see the change in his eyes, his facial muscles now relaxed. We met more dogs in that weekend than Willie met the previous 20 months, no reaction. He actually was walking next to other dogs. Mo more walking thru mud or behind trees. We went back home with both Willie and his housemates working together.

“The best way I can describe what Ms Peppers does is she showed Willie how to be a dog. He did not know how to communicate with other dogs. It was if he was in a foreign land not knowing the language. Now thanks to Gwenevere and her team Willie is exploring the canine world for the first time. Willie “the dog” still needs to practice what he learns and is earning our trust and should be able to in the future be totally leash free in his home. On behalf of Willie and my family thank you Gwenevere, Mike and Peppers, you gave Willie back to me.”